• Dahkota

    YOUTH VOICE: Dahkota, California Miwok, Concow, Yuki

  • Malachi

    YOUTH VOICE: Malachi, Boston

  • Noah

    YOUTH VOICE: Noah, Washington, DC

My Brother’s Keeper is a mission to ensure that all young people have equal opportunity to reach their full potential. Regardless of race. Gender. Or socioeconomic status.

Launched in 2014 by President Obama, My Brother’s Keeper addresses the opportunity gaps facing boys and young men of color. Today, as part of the Obama Foundation, the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance (MBK Alliance) continues to grow and sustain the mission. its focus is creating safe, supportive communities and providing young people with the resources they need to grow, learn and succeed. By realizing this vision, we are creating a brighter, more promising future — not just for boys and young men of color, but for our country. MBK Alliance is committed to leading the way to ensure success for all youth.

Learn more about how to get involved at: