Restorative Practices


See how restorative Practices are helping educators better serve our students across the grade levels. Click on the group title below that best applies to you for questions designed to help process the concepts and ideas presented in the video. These can be used as discussion guides or more personalized reflections.

  • Elementary School

    Restorative Practices aim to make children more empathetic, better listeners, and better at understanding others’ emotions. Starting the practice at an early age is vital to establishing norms and buy in to the programs.

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  • Middle School

    Restorative Practices help our middle school students cope with a tumultuous time in their lives. Practices create safe spaces for our students to express their feelings and fears, while creating a sense of community within the school setting where students feel supported.

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  • High School

    Restorative Practices are vital for our students as they enter adulthood. As students take ownership over the process, they grow into empathetic, empowered, and caring adults. Restorative practices give our students the emotional intelligence they need to succeed in college and career.

    [wp_lightbox_anchor_text_display_external_page link=”” title=”High School” width=”740″ height=”520″ class=”immigration-btns guidebtns” text=”Play Video”]

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